Gets the properties of a domain such as name, expiration, and admin.
ParametersName | Type | Description | Required |
domain name | String | A domain string, e.g. "edge.neo" | Required |
ExampleRequest body
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "invokefunction", "params": [ "0x152fa9ceeb2c83f40e3d3d6da6c1f8898dd4891a", "properties", [ { "type":"String","value":"edge.neo" } ]], "id": 1}'
Response body
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "script": "DAhlZGdlLm5lbxHAHwwKcHJvcGVydGllcwwUGonUjYn4waZtPT0O9IMs686pLxVBYn1bUg==", "state": "HALT", "gasconsumed": "663480", "exception": null, "stack": [ { "type": "Map", "value": [ { "key": { "type": "ByteString", "value": "bmFtZQ==" }, "value": { "type": "ByteString", "value": "ZWRnZS5uZW8=" } }, { "key": { "type": "ByteString", "value": "ZXhwaXJhdGlvbg==" }, "value": { "type": "Integer", "value": "1731267713921" } }, { "key": { "type": "ByteString", "value": "YWRtaW4=" }, "value": { "type": "Any" } } ] } ] }}
If the domain has expired, an error message is returned instead of the properties.
The expiration is set in milliseconds. If no admin is set, a null is returned.