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Getting Started with the Neo Blockchain Toolkit ·  · One min read

Quick Start 1: Getting Started with the Neo Blockchain Toolkit#


The .NET SDK can be downloaded from:

Visual Studio Code can be downloaded from:

This is the URL to the official Neo Blockchain Toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code:

Platform specific errata:

MacOS: Running Neo Express on MacOS requires installing rocksdb via Homebrew:
$ brew install rocksdb

Linux: Running Neo Express on Linux requires installing libsnappy and libc6. For example, on systems using the apt package manager:
$ sudo apt install libsnappy-dev libc6-dev -y

Commands used in this video:

Checking for .NET SDK installation:
$ dotnet --version
(Check for a value greater than 5.)

Quick Start 2: Working with the Private Net#

Quick Start 3: Working with Wallets and Assets#

Quick Start 4: Building your first Smart Contract#


This is the URL to the official C# extension for Visual Studio Code:

Commands used in this video:

Installing the Neo C# compiler:
$ dotnet tool install -g neo.compiler.csharp --version 3.0.0-rc2
(Please note that the tool name has changed since the video was recorded. ALso note that the --version parameter

Quick Start 5: Debugging your Smart Contract#


The launch.json schema for debugging Neo Smart Contracts is documented here: