getnep11properties Method
Gets the customized properties of the NEP-11 token, where the name, description, image, and tokenURI properties are automatically decoded by UTF8.
You must install the plugin TokensTracker, LevelDBStore, and RpcSever before you can invoke the method.
Parameter Descriptioncontract: The contract hash
tokenId: The hex string of token id
ExampleRequest body:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getnep11properties", "params": ["0xd9e2093de3dc2ef7cf5704ceec46ab7fadd48e7f","452023313032204e6f697a"], "id": 1}
Response body:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "name": "E #102 Noiz", "owner": "wJjkrPCyCQ3Rbss9WN5CaocVhRs=", "number": "Zg==", "image": "", "video": null }}