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基本的区块链数据和状态信息,如区块高度、区块内容、交易内容和合约等可以通过 RPC 模块直接获取,详细信息请参见 RPC 调用方法

而某些特定的合约信息,如区块最大交易数量,每字节系统费,NEP17 合约信息等则需要调用特定的合约方法。

通过 RPC 接口获取区块数据#


// choose a neo node with rpc openedRpcClient client = new RpcClient(new Uri("http://localhost:20332"), null, null, ProtocolSettings.Load("config.json"));
// get the hash of the tallest block in the main chainstring hash = await client.GetBestBlockHashAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// get the number of blocks in the main chainuint count = await client.GetBlockCountAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


// get the Base64 string of the block with block heightstring blockHex = await client.GetBlockHexAsync("166396").ConfigureAwait(false);
// get the Base64 string of the block with block hashstring blockHex = await client.GetBlockHexAsync("0x4e61cd9d76e30e9147ee0f5b9c92f4447decbe52c6c8b412d0382a14d3a0b408").ConfigureAwait(false);
// get block data with block heightRpcBlock block = await client.GetBlockAsync("166396").ConfigureAwait(false);
// get block data with block hashRpcBlock block = await client.GetBlockAsync("0x4e61cd9d76e30e9147ee0f5b9c92f4447decbe52c6c8b412d0382a14d3a0b408").ConfigureAwait(false);

通过 RpcClient 获取合约脚本、哈希与 manifest 的信息:

// get NEO contract stateContractState contractState = await client.GetContractStateAsync(NativeContract.NEO.Hash.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);

更多信息请参见 RPC 调用方法

获取 Policy 相关信息#

调用原生合约 PolicyContract 中的方法 policyAPI 获取 Policy 相关信息:

// choose a neo node with rpc openedPolicyAPI policyAPI = new PolicyAPI(new RpcClient(new Uri("http://localhost:20332"), null,null, ProtocolSettings.Load("config.json")));
// get the system fee per bytelong feePerByte = await policyAPI.GetFeePerByteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // 1000, 0.00001000 GAS per byte
// get the max size of one blockuint maxBlockSize = await policyAPI.GetMaxBlockSizeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // 262144, (1024 * 256) bytes one block
// get the max transaction count per blockuint maxTransactionsPerBlock = await policyAPI.GetMaxTransactionsPerBlockAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // 512, max 512 transactions one block
// check if the account is blockedUInt160 account = Utility.GetScriptHash("NirHUAteaMr6CqWuAAMaEUScPcS3FDKebM");bool isBlocked = await policyAPI.IsBlockedAsync(account).ConfigureAwait(false);

获取 NEP17 合约信息#

NEP17 是 Neo N3 中的资产标准,NEO 和 GAS 都基于 NEP17 原生合约。调用 Nep17API 可以获取 NEP17 合约的名称、标记、小数位和总量等信息:

// get nep17 token infoNep17API nep17API = new Nep17API(new RpcClient(new Uri("http://localhost:20332"), null,null, ProtocolSettings.Load("config.json")));RpcNep17TokenInfo tokenInfo = await nep17API.GetTokenInfoAsync(NativeContract.NEO.Hash).ConfigureAwait(false);