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RpcClient 封装了交易构造模块,通过该模块可以使用特定的参数和方法构造 Neo N3 中的交易,完成个性化的功能,本篇主要介绍这部分的使用方法。


如果使用SDK构造要添加签名的交易,需要确保构造的RpcClient对象和其连接的区块链网络有相同的配置,否则 SDK 构造的交易在区块链中将无法验签通过,具体做法是:构造RpcClient对象时Load Neo-CLI 节点的 config.json,例如: RpcClient client = new RpcClient(new Uri("http://localhost:20332"), null, null, ProtocolSettings.Load("config.json")) 。


  1. 构造交易脚本,决定交易要执行什么样的功能,比如转账交易:

    // construct the script, in this example, we will transfer 1 NEO to the receiverUInt160 scriptHash = NativeContract.NEO.Hash;byte[] script = scriptHash.MakeScript("transfer", sender, receiver, 1, "data");
  2. 构造 TransactionManagerFactory,将RpcClient作为参数; 构造TransactionManager, 将ScriptSigners作为参数。

    TransactionManager txManager = await new TransactionManagerFactory(client)        .MakeTransactionAsync(script, signers).ConfigureAwait(false);
  3. 添加签名(单签或者多签),将账户的 KeyPair 作为签名的参数;并且签名。

    • 单签
    // add signature for the transaction with sendKeytxManager.AddSignature(sendKey);
    • 多签
    // add multi-signatures for the transaction with sendKeytxManager.AddMultiSig(key1, 2, receiverKey.PublicKey, key2.PublicKey, key3.PublicKey);txManager.AddMultiSig(key2, 2, receiverKey.PublicKey, key2.PublicKey, key3.PublicKey);
    • 多签合约


    // create a multi-signature contract, which needs at least 2 of 3 KeyPairs to signContract multiContract = Contract.CreateMultiSigContract(2, sendKey.PublicKey, key2.PublicKey, key3.PublicKey);// get the scripthash of the multi-signature contractUInt160 multiAccount = multiContract.Script.ToScriptHash();
  4. 校验签名,并将 Witness 添加至交易体。


    // sign the transaction with the added signaturesTransaction tx = await txManager.SignAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


构造 NEP17 转账交易#


using Neo;using Neo.Network.P2P.Payloads;using Neo.Network.RPC;using Neo.SmartContract;using Neo.SmartContract.Native;using Neo.VM;using Neo.Wallets;using System;
namespace ConsoleApp1{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            TestNep17Transfer().GetAwaiter().GetResult();            Console.Read();        }
        private static async Task TestNep17Transfer()        {            // choose a neo node with rpc opened            RpcClient client = new RpcClient(new Uri("http://localhost:20332"), null, null, ProtocolSettings.Load("config.json"));            // get the KeyPair of your account, which will pay the system and network fee            KeyPair sendKey = Utility.GetKeyPair("L53tg72Az8QhYUAyyqTQ3LaXMXBE3S9mJGGZVKHBryZxya7prwhZ");            UInt160 sender = Contract.CreateSignatureContract(sendKey.PublicKey).ScriptHash;
            // add Signers, which is a collection of scripthashs that need to be signed            Signer[] signers = new[] { new Signer { Scopes = WitnessScope.CalledByEntry, Account = sender } };
            // get the scripthash of the account you want to transfer to            UInt160 receiver = Utility.GetScriptHash("NirHUAteaMr6CqWuAAMaEUScPcS3FDKebM", ProtocolSettings.Default);
            // construct the script, in this example, we will transfer 1024 NEO to receiver            UInt160 scriptHash = NativeContract.NEO.Hash;            byte[] script = scriptHash.MakeScript("transfer", sender, receiver, 1024, "data");
            // initialize the TransactionManagerFactory with rpc client and magic            // fill in the TransactionManager with the script and cosigners            TransactionManager txManager = await new TransactionManagerFactory(client)                .MakeTransactionAsync(script, signers).ConfigureAwait(false);            // add signature and sign transaction with the added signature            Transaction tx = await txManager.AddSignature(sendKey).SignAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            // broadcasts the transaction over the Neo network.            await client.SendRawTransactionAsync(tx).ConfigureAwait(false);            Console.WriteLine($"Transaction {tx.Hash.ToString()} is broadcasted!");
            // print a message after the transaction is on chain            WalletAPI neoAPI = new WalletAPI(client);            await neoAPI.WaitTransactionAsync(tx)               .ContinueWith(async (p) => Console.WriteLine($"Transaction vm state is {(await p).VMState}"));        }    }}

WalletAPI 封装了上面的过程,NEP17 转账可以简化为:

using Neo;using Neo.Network.P2P.Payloads;using Neo.Network.RPC;using Neo.SmartContract;using Neo.SmartContract.Native;using Neo.VM;using Neo.Wallets;using System;
namespace ConsoleApp1{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            TestNep17Transfer().GetAwaiter().GetResult();            Console.Read();        }
        private static async Task TestNep17Transfer()        {            // choose a neo node with rpc opened            RpcClient client = new RpcClient(new Uri("http://localhost:20332"), null, null, ProtocolSettings.Load("config.json"));            // get the KeyPair of your account, which will pay the system and network fee            KeyPair sendKey = Utility.GetKeyPair("L53tg72Az8QhYUAyyqTQ3LaXMXBE3S9mJGGZVKHBryZxya7prwhZ");
            // get the scripthash of the account you want to transfer to            UInt160 receiver = Utility.GetScriptHash("NirHUAteaMr6CqWuAAMaEUScPcS3FDKebM", ProtocolSettings.Default);
            // use WalletAPI to create and send the transfer transaction            WalletAPI walletAPI = new WalletAPI(client);            Transaction tx = await walletAPI.TransferAsync(NativeContract.NEO.Hash, sendKey, receiver, 1024).ConfigureAwait(false);
            // print a message after the transaction is on chain            WalletAPI neoAPI = new WalletAPI(client);            await neoAPI.WaitTransactionAsync(tx)               .ContinueWith(async (p) => Console.WriteLine($"Transaction vm state is {(await p).VMState}"));        }    }}


下面的示例实现了向多签账户转账 10 个 GAS 的功能。多签账户的 scripthash 由多签合约脚本的 hash 得来。因为发送方为普通账户,添加签名的过程与上一个示例没有区别。

using Neo;using Neo.Network.P2P.Payloads;using Neo.Network.RPC;using Neo.SmartContract;using Neo.SmartContract.Native;using Neo.VM;using Neo.Wallets;using System;using Utility = Neo.Network.RPC.Utility;
namespace ConsoleApp1{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            TestToMultiTransfer().GetAwaiter().GetResult();            Console.Read();        }
        private static async Task TestToMultiTransfer()        {            // choose a neo node with rpc opened            RpcClient client = new RpcClient(new Uri("http://localhost:20332"), null, null, ProtocolSettings.Load("config.json"));            // get the KeyPair of your account, which will pay the system and network fee            KeyPair sendKey = Utility.GetKeyPair("L53tg72Az8QhYUAyyqTQ3LaXMXBE3S9mJGGZVKHBryZxya7prwhZ");            UInt160 sender = Contract.CreateSignatureContract(sendKey.PublicKey).ScriptHash;
            // get the KeyPair of your accounts            KeyPair key2 = Utility.GetKeyPair("L1bQBbZWnKbPkpHM3jXWD3E5NwK7nui2eWHYXVZPy3t8jSFF1Qj3");            KeyPair key3 = Utility.GetKeyPair("KwrJfYyc7KWfZG5h97SYfcCQyW4jRw1njmHo48kZhZmuQWeTtUHM");
            // create multi-signatures contract, this contract needs at least 2 of 3 KeyPairs to sign            Contract multiContract = Contract.CreateMultiSigContract(2, new ECPoint[] { sendKey.PublicKey, key2.PublicKey, key3.PublicKey });            // get the scripthash of the multi-signature Contract            UInt160 multiAccount = multiContract.Script.ToScriptHash();
            // construct the script, in this example, we will transfer 1024 GAS to multi-sign account            // in contract parameter, the amount type is BigInteger, so we need to muliply the contract factor            UInt160 scriptHash = NativeContract.GAS.Hash;            byte[] script = scriptHash.MakeScript("transfer", sender, multiAccount, 1024 * NativeContract.GAS.Factor, "data");
            // add Signers, which is a collection of scripthashs that need to be signed            Signer[] signers = new[] { new Signer { Scopes = WitnessScope.CalledByEntry, Account = sender } };
            // initialize the TransactionManager with rpc client and magic            // fill the script and signers            TransactionManager txManager = await new TransactionManagerFactory(client)                .MakeTransactionAsync(script, signers).ConfigureAwait(false);            // add signature and sign transaction with the added signature            Transaction tx = await txManager.AddSignature(sendKey).SignAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            // broadcasts the transaction over the Neo network.            await client.SendRawTransactionAsync(tx).ConfigureAwait(false);            Console.WriteLine($"Transaction {tx.Hash.ToString()} is broadcasted!");
            // print a message after the transaction is on chain            WalletAPI neoAPI = new WalletAPI(client);            await neoAPI.WaitTransactionAsync(tx)               .ContinueWith(async (p) => Console.WriteLine($"Transaction vm state is {(await p).VMState}"));        }    }}



using Neo;using Neo.Network.P2P.Payloads;using Neo.Network.RPC;using Neo.SmartContract;using Neo.SmartContract.Native;using Neo.VM;using Neo.Wallets;using System;using Utility = Neo.Network.RPC.Utility;
namespace ConsoleApp1{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            TestFromMultiTransfer().GetAwaiter().GetResult();            Console.Read();        }
        private static async Task TestFromMultiTransfer()        {            // choose a neo node with rpc opened            RpcClient client = new RpcClient(new Uri("http://localhost:20332"), null, null, ProtocolSettings.Load("config.json"));
            // get the KeyPair of your account            KeyPair receiverKey = Utility.GetKeyPair("L53tg72Az8QhYUAyyqTQ3LaXMXBE3S9mJGGZVKHBryZxya7prwhZ");            KeyPair key2 = Utility.GetKeyPair("L1bQBbZWnKbPkpHM3jXWD3E5NwK7nui2eWHYXVZPy3t8jSFF1Qj3");            KeyPair key3 = Utility.GetKeyPair("KwrJfYyc7KWfZG5h97SYfcCQyW4jRw1njmHo48kZhZmuQWeTtUHM");
            // create multi-signature contract, this contract needs at least 2 of 3 KeyPairs to sign            Contract multiContract = Contract.CreateMultiSigContract(2, new ECPoint[] { receiverKey.PublicKey, key2.PublicKey, key3.PublicKey });            // get the scripthash of the multi-signature Contract            UInt160 multiAccount = multiContract.Script.ToScriptHash();
            UInt160 receiver = Contract.CreateSignatureContract(receiverKey.PublicKey).ScriptHash;
            // construct the script, in this example, we will transfer 1024 GAS to multi-sign account            // in contract parameter, the amount type is BigInteger, so we need to muliply the contract factor            UInt160 scriptHash = NativeContract.GAS.Hash;            byte[] script = scriptHash.MakeScript("transfer", multiAccount, receiver, 1024 * NativeContract.GAS.Factor, "data");
            // add Signers, which is a collection of scripthashs that need to be signed            Signer[] signers = new[] { new Signer { Scopes = WitnessScope.CalledByEntry, Account = multiAccount } };
            // initialize the TransactionManager with rpc client and magic            // fill the script and signers            TransactionManager txManager = await new TransactionManagerFactory(client)                .MakeTransactionAsync(script, signers).ConfigureAwait(false);            // add signature and sign transaction with the added signature            Transaction tx = await txManager.AddMultiSig(new KeyPair[]{receiverKey, key2}, 2, receiverKey.PublicKey, key2.PublicKey, key3.PublicKey)                .SignAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            // broadcasts the transaction over the Neo network.            await client.SendRawTransactionAsync(tx).ConfigureAwait(false);            Console.WriteLine($"Transaction {tx.Hash.ToString()} is broadcasted!");
            // print a message after the transaction is on chain            WalletAPI neoAPI = new WalletAPI(client);            await neoAPI.WaitTransactionAsync(tx)               .ContinueWith(async (p) => Console.WriteLine($"Transaction vm state is {(await p).VMState}"));        }    }}