NEO.GetAccountState Method ()
Gets the latest votes of the specified account.
Namespace: Neo.SmartContract.Framework.Native
Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework
Syntaxpublic static extern NeoAccountState GetAccountState(DataCache snapshot, UInt160 account)
Examplepublic class Contract1 : SmartContract.Framework.SmartContract{ private static readonly UInt160 account = "NXsG3zwpwcfvBiA3bNMx6mWZGEro9ZqTqM".ToScriptHash(); public static object Test() { return NEO.GetAccountState(account); }}
Response body:
[ { "type": "Struct", "value": [ { "type": "Integer", "value": "900" }, { "type": "Integer", "value": "9774" }, { "type": "ByteString", "value": "AsNeyvySxknpefBTobcD9O\u002BQiieFUIdCtmzAWZvxQPA4" } ] }]
Response description:
- 1st value: the current account balance, which equals to the votes cast.
- 2nd value: The block height at last update.
- 3rd value: The public key of the account address to vote.