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FindOptions Enumeration

Defines find options for searching storage. This is used in the Storage.Find method.

Namespace: Neo.SmartContract

Assembly: Neo.SmartContract.Framework


public enum FindOptions : byte{    None = 0,
    KeysOnly = 1 << 0,    RemovePrefix = 1 << 1,    ValuesOnly = 1 << 2,    DeserializeValues = 1 << 3,    PickField0 = 1 << 4,    PickField1 = 1 << 5}


  • None: Search all

  • KeysOnly: Search Key only. It cannot be used together with ValuesOnly, DeserializeValues, PickField0, and PickField1.

  • RemovePrefix: Similar to KeysOnly. It will filter to the first byte of Key, i.e., the prefix of Key. It cannot be used together with ValuesOnly

  • ValuesOnly: Search Value only. It cannot be used together with KeysOnly and RemovePrefix.

  • DeserializeValues: Search Value and then deserialize the Value.

  • PickField0: Search the first element of Value array. It must be used together with DeserializeValues, not with PickField1.

  • PickField1: Search the second element of Value array. It must be used together with DeserializeValues, not with PickField0.

  • FindOptions is used in Storage.Find(StorageContext, ByteString, FindOptions)