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Wallets are basic components of Neo and the bridges for users to access the Neo network. They are responsible for transaction operations such as transfer, contract deployment, asset registration, etc.

You can redesign and modify Neo wallets following your own thoughts, but the below rules and patterns must be followed.


In Neo, the account is the smart contract and the address represents a contract script. The below flow diagram shows how to derive the public key from the private key and then to the address:

Private Key#

A private key is a random value generated between 1 and n (n is a constant, less than 2^256 slightly), and is represented by a 256 bit (32 bytes) number generally.

There are two main encoding formats for private keys in Neo:

  • Hexstring Format

    The hexstring format is a string that uses hexadecimal characters to represent byte array.

  • WIF Format

    The wif format is to add prefix 0x80 and suffix 0x01 in the original 32-byte data, and get the string after Base58Check encoding.



Public Key#

The public key is a point (X, Y) calculated through the ECC algorithm with the private key. The X, Y coordinates can be represented by 32-byte data. Different from Bitcoin, Neo chooses secp256r1 as the curve of the ECC algorithm. There are two public key formats in Neo:

  • Uncompressed Public Key

    0x04 + X (32 bytes) + Y (32 bytes)

  • Compressed Public Key

    0x02/0x03 + X (32 bytes)


Private Keyc7134d6fd8e73d819e82755c64c93788d8db0961929e025a53363c4cc02a6962
Public Key (Compressed)035a928f201639204e06b4368b1a93365462a8ebbff0b8818151b74faab3a2b61a
Public Key (Uncompressed)045a928f201639204e06b4368b1a93365462a8ebbff0b8818151b74faab3a2b61a35dfabcb79ac492a2a88588d2f2e73f045cd8af58059282e09d693dc340e113f


Address is a string of numbers and letters after a series of transformations of the public key. This section will describes the steps of conversion from a public key to an address in Neo.


The address script in Neo N3 has changed not using the Opcode.CheckSig and OpCode.CheckMultiSig but the interoperable service call SysCall "Neo.Crypto.CheckSig".hash2uint, SysCall "Neo.Crypto.CheckMultisig".hash2unit instead.

Ordinary Address#

  1. Build a CheckSig script with the public key, and the format is as follows:

0x0C + 0x21 + Public Key (Compressed 33 bytes) + 0x41 + 0x56e7b327

Account Address

  1. Calculate script hash of the contract (20 bytes, make once SHA256 and RIPEMD160 of the script).

  2. Add the version prefix in the hash (Currently, the Neo protocol version is 53 and the corresponding byte is 0x35).

  3. Make Base58Check encoding for the above byte data.


Private Key087780053c374394a48d685aacf021804fa9fab19537d16194ee215e825942a0
Public Key (Compressed)03cdb067d930fd5adaa6c68545016044aaddec64ba39e548250eaea551172e535c

Multi-Signature Address#

  1. Construct an N-of-M CheckMultiSig script with multiple addresses. The script format is as follows:

    emitPush(N) + 0x0C + 0x21 + Public Key 1 (Compressed 33 bytes)  + .... + 0x0C + 0x21 + Public Key m (Compressed 33 bytes)  + emitPush(M) + 0x41 + 0x9ed0dc3a

  2. Calculate script hash of the contract (20 bytes, make once SHA256 and RIPEMD160 of the script).

  3. Add the version prefix in the hash. (Currently, the Neo protocol version is 53 and the corresponding byte is 0x35)

  4. Make Base58Check encoding for the above byte data.


Private Key087780053c374394a48d685aacf021804fa9fab19537d16194ee215e825942a0
Public Key (Compressed)03cdb067d930fd5adaa6c68545016044aaddec64ba39e548250eaea551172e535c

Please pay attention to the interval of the number for the usage of emitPush(number). Here is an example in the case of the number being BigInteger, where data = number.ToByteArray():

NumberEmit OpCodeValue
-1 <= number <= 16OpCode.PUSH0 + (byte)(int)number0x10 + number
data.Length == 1OpCode.PUSHINT8 + data0x00 + data
data.Length == 2OpCode.PUSHINT16 + data0x01 + data
data.Length <= 4OpCode.PUSHINT32 + data0x02 + PadRight(data, 4)
data.Length <= 8OpCode.PUSHINT64 + data0x03 + PadRight(data, 8)
data.Length <= 16OpCode.PUSHINT128 + data0x04 + PadRight(data, 16)
data.Length <= 32OpCode.PUSHINT256 + data0x05 + PadRight(data, 32)

The wallet address scripthash#

When creating a wallet in Neo blockchain, the private key, public key, wallet address, and related scripthash are generated.

Let's look at a standard wallet address and corresponding scripthash strings in big and little endian formats beneath.

Big-endian Scripthash0xed7cc6f5f2dd842d384f254bc0c2d58fb69a4761
Little-endian Scripthash61479ab68fd5c2c04b254f382d84ddf2f5c67ced
Base64 ScripthashYUeato/VwsBLJU84LYTd8vXGfO0=

To convert between the wallet address and scripthash, or between big endian and little endian byte order, use the tool Data Convertor.

Wallet Files#

db3 files#

The db3 wallet is commonly used in wallets of the exchange to facilitate a large amount of account information storage and the retrieval queries.

A db3 wallet file uses SQLite to store data, and the file name extension is .db3. There are four tables created in a db3 file:

  • Account

    PrivateKeyEncryptedVarBinary(96)YesAES256 encrypted
    PublicKeyHashBinary(20)YesPrimary Key
  • Address

    ScriptHashBinary(20)YesPrimary Key
  • Contract

    ScriptHashBinary(20)YesPrimary Key,Foreign Key,associated Address table
    PublicKeyHashBinary(20)YesIndex,Foreign Key,associated Account table
  • Key

    NameVarChar(20)YesPrimary Key

In Key table,it mainly stores the AES256 attributes:

  • PasswordHash: the hash of the passowrd, by using SHA256 hash operation.

  • IV: an initial vector of AES, randomly generated.

  • MasterKey: an encrypted ciphertext, obtained by encrypting the private key using AES256 algorithm with PasswordKey, IV parameters.

  • Version: the version of the wallet

The db3 wallet uses the AES (symmetrical encryption) as its encryption and decryption method.

NEP6 files#

An NEP6 wallet file complies with the NEP6 standard, and the file name extension is .json. The JSON format is as follows:

{    "name": null,    "version": "3.0",    "scrypt": {        "n": 16384,        "r": 8,        "p": 8    },    "accounts": [        {            "address": "Nf8iN8CABre87oDaDrHSnMAyVoU9jYa2FR",            "label": null,            "isdefault": false,            "lock": false,            "key": "6PYM9DxRY8RMhKHp512xExRVLeB9DSkW2cCKCe65oXgL4tD2kaJX2yb9vD",            "contract": {                "script": "DCEDYgBftumtbwC64LbngHbZPDVrSMrEuHXNP0tJzPlOdL5BdHR2qg==",                "parameters": [                    {                        "name": "signature",                        "type": "Signature"                    }                ],                "deployed": false            },            "extra": null        }    ],    "extra": null}

In this example the password is 1

namea label that the user attaches to the wallet file
versioncurrently it is 3.0
scrypt(n/r/p)(n/r/p) are parameters for scrypt algorithm used for encrypting and decrypting the private keys in the wallet
accountsan array of Account objects which describe the details of each account in the wallet
account.addressaccount address
account.labelaccount label, null by default
account.isDefaultwhether is the default account of wallet
account.lockwhether the account is locked
account.keyexport nep2key of the privatekey
account.contractthe contract of the script
account.contract.scriptaddress script
account.contract.parametersparameter list for the address script contract
account.contract.parameter.nameparameter name for the address script contract
account.contract.parameter.typeparameter name for the address script contract
account.contract.deployedwhether is deployed
account.extraadditional attributes of the account, null by default
extraadditional attributes of the wallet, null by default

An NEP6 wallet uses scrypt algorithm as the core method of wallet encryption and decryption.

Encryption steps#

  1. The address is derived from the public key, and the address hash is the first four bytes of SHA256(SHA256(Address))

  2. Calculate a derivedkey by the scrypt algorithm, and divide the 64-byte data into two halves as derivedhalf1 and derivedhalf2 Scrypt uses the following parameters:

    • ciphertext: The entered password (UTF-8 format)
    • salt: address hash
    • n: 16384
    • r: 8
    • p: 8
    • length: 64
  3. Do xor operation on the private key and derivedhalf1, and then get encryptedkey by using AES256 to encrypt it with derivedhalf2

  4. Concatenate data according to the following format and obtain NEP2Key by using Base58Check encoding of it

    0x01 + 0x42 + 0xe0 + address hash + encryptedkey

Decryption steps

  1. Decode NEP2Key by using Base58Check decoding

  2. Check whether the length of decoded data is 39 bytes, and the first three bytes (data[0-2]) are 0x01, 0x42 and 0xe0

  3. Take data[3-6] as addresshash

  4. Put the password and addresshash into the Scrypt algorithm. Specify the result length to 64. Then get the derivedkey

  5. Take Derivedkey[0-31] as Derivedhalf1, and Derivedkey[32-63] as Derivedhalf2

  6. Take data[7-38] as Encryptedkey (32 bytes), and decrypt it using AES256 with derivedhalf2 as the initial vector

  7. Do xor operation on the decrypted data and derivedhalf1 to obtain the private key

  8. Get the public key from the private key with ECC algorithm, and then get the address. Check whether the first four bytes of the result of SHA256(SHA256(Address)) is equal to the addresshash. If it's the same, then you get the correct private key

More details about NEP2 and NEP6 proposals are in the Neo document.

NEP2 proposal:

NEP6 proposal:


Neo employs the ECDSA algorithm to sign the transaction through the wallet component and take the nistP256 or Secp256r1 as the ECC curve and SHA256 as the hash algorithm.

C# code:

        public static byte[] Sign(byte[] message, byte[] prikey, byte[] pubkey)        {            using (var ecdsa = ECDsa.Create(new ECParameters            {                Curve = ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256,                D = prikey,                Q = new ECPoint                {                    X = pubkey[..32],                    Y = pubkey[32..]                }            }))            {                return ecdsa.SignData(message, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256);            }        }


datahello world

Wallet Function#

Function NameDescription
Import wallet fileImport the account information from the specified wallet file
Export wallet fileStore the account information (including private key, password, address, etc.) in the specified wallet file such as db3 wallet file, nep6 json file.
Unlock walletVerify user password to prevent leaks
Create private keyRecommend safe random generator
Import private keyAdd new private key to the wallet with wif format or digital certificate
Export private keyExport accounts' private key
Generate public keyObtain public key by ECC algorithm with private key
Generate addressGenerate address based on private key
Import addressAdd new address to the wallet
Export addressExport accounts' address
Import offline dataLoad block data in chain.acc file to reduce synchronization time
Export offline dataExport block data in chain.acc file
Synchronize block data
TransferTransfer to other addresses
SignSign data, such as transactions
Claim GasClaim the newly allocated gas from the neo held by the account
Get balanceShow the balance of current wallet
Get transactionShow transaction history of current wallet
Construct multi-signature contractConstruct multi-signature contract
Deploy smart contractDeploy smart contract
Test smart contractTest smart contract

Wallet software#

Full-node wallet#

The full-node wallet is a complete backup of blockchain data, which saves all the onchain data and participates in p2p network, therefore it needs a large storage space.

Neo-CLI and Neo-GUI are all full-node wallet. For more information refer to Neo node.

SPV wallet#

The SPV (Simplified Payment Verification) wallet is different from a full-node wallet. It doesn't store all block data, only block header data, and verifies the data by using bloom filter and merkle tree algorithm. It's mostly used in mobile app or light client, as it can save storage space effectively.

For developing SPV wallet, refer to the NEO network protocol interface.


  1. The SPV wallet sends a bloom filter to the full node, and the full node loads the bloom filter.

  2. The SPV wallet sends the bloom filter's parameters to the full node, and the full node load the parameters. (Optional)

  3. The SPV wallet queries transactions from the full node, and the full node returns the transaction data after filtering with the bloom filter and the constructed merkle tree path.

  4. The SPV wallet uses the merkle tree path to verify the transaction data.

  5. The SPV wallet sends clear the bloom filter instruction to the full node, and the full node clear it.