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getcontractstate Method

Queries the contract information with the contract script hash or native contract name.


You must install the plugin RpcServer before you can invoke the method.

Parameter Description#

script_hash / name: Contract script hash or the native contract name.


Request body:

{  "jsonrpc": "2.0",  "method": "getcontractstate",  "params": ["neotoken"],  "id": 1}


{  "jsonrpc": "2.0",  "method": "getcontractstate",  "params": ["0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5"],  "id": 1}

Response body:

{    "jsonrpc": "2.0",    "id": 1,    "result": {        "id": 383,        "updatecounter": 0,        "hash": "0xe7f2e74b3498d3a0d80bcbd5925bca32e4acc4f7",        "nef": {            "magic": 860243278,            "compiler": "Neo.Compiler.CSharp 3.1.0",            "source": "",            "tokens": [                {                    "hash": "0xfffdc93764dbaddd97c48f252a53ea4643faa3fd",                    "method": "update",                    "paramcount": 3,                    "hasreturnvalue": false,                    "callflags": "All"                },                {                    "hash": "0xfffdc93764dbaddd97c48f252a53ea4643faa3fd",                    "method": "destroy",                    "paramcount": 0,                    "hasreturnvalue": false,                    "callflags": "All"                },                {                    "hash": "0xfe924b7cfe89ddd271abaf7210a80a7e11178758",                    "method": "request",                    "paramcount": 5,                    "hasreturnvalue": false,                    "callflags": "All"                },                {                    "hash": "0xacce6fd80d44e1796aa0c2c625e9e4e0ce39efc0",                    "method": "itoa",                    "paramcount": 1,                    "hasreturnvalue": true,                    "callflags": "All"                },                {                    "hash": "0xacce6fd80d44e1796aa0c2c625e9e4e0ce39efc0",                    "method": "jsonDeserialize",                    "paramcount": 1,                    "hasreturnvalue": true,                    "callflags": "All"                },                {                    "hash": "0xfffdc93764dbaddd97c48f252a53ea4643faa3fd",                    "method": "getContract",                    "paramcount": 1,                    "hasreturnvalue": true,                    "callflags": "All"                },                {                    "hash": "0xda65b600f7124ce6c79950c1772a36403104f2be",                    "method": "getTransaction",                    "paramcount": 1,                    "hasreturnvalue": true,                    "callflags": "All"                },                {                    "hash": "0xda65b600f7124ce6c79950c1772a36403104f2be",                    "method": "getTransactionState",                    "paramcount": 1,                    "hasreturnvalue": true,                    "callflags": "All"                }            ],            "script": "WEH4J+yMQEH4J+yMQDTzQFkMBmVuYWJsZUsRzlCLUBDOQZJd6DFK2CYERRDbIRGzQErYJgRFENshQEsRzlCLUBDOQZJd6DFANLiqJhYMEU5vIGF1dGhvcml6YXRpb24uOlkMBmVuYWJsZRESTRHOUYtREM5B5j8YhEASTRHOUYtREM5B5j8YhEA1d////6omFgwRTm8gYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbi46WQwGZW5hYmxlEBJNEc5Ri1EQzkHmPxiEQFcAAzVP////JgYiKyIpDCRQYXltZW50IGlzIGRpc2FibGUgb24gdGhpcyBjb250cmFjdCE6QFcBAzUJ////qiYWDBFObyBhdXRob3JpemF0aW9uLjoLenlB2/6odBTAcGgfDAh0cmFuc2ZlcnhBYn1bUkXCSnjPSnnPSnrPDAtVbmxvY2tFdmVudEGVAW9hEdsgIgJAQdv+qHRAQWJ9W1JAVwIAEMBwaB8MCGlzUGF1c2VkWtsoStgkCUrKABQoAzpBYn1bUnHCSmnPDA1Jc1BhdXNlZEV2ZW50QZUBb2FpIgJA2yhK2CQJSsoAFCgDOkBXAAJ5JgQiGgwFV29ybGQMBUhlbGxvQZv2Z85B5j8YhEBB5j8YhEBBm/ZnzkBXAAI1If7//6omFgwRTm8gYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbi46C3l4NwAAQDcAAEA1+v3//6omFgwRTm8gYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbi46NwEAQDcBAEBXAgMMCGNhbGxiYWNrcAwIdXNlcmRhdGFxemloeHk3AgBANwIAQFcDBEE5U248DBRYhxcRfgqoEHKvq3HS3Yn+fEuS/pgmEgwNVW5hdXRob3JpemVkITp6EJgmLgwiT3JhY2xlIHJlc3BvbnNlIGZhaWx1cmUgd2l0aCBjb2RlIHo3AwCL2yg6ezcEAHBocWkQznIMCnVzZXJkYXRhOiB5i9soQc/nR5YMEHJlc3BvbnNlIHZhbHVlOiBqi9soQc/nR5ZAQTlTbjxADBRYhxcRfgqoEHKvq3HS3Yn+fEuS/kA3BABAQc/nR5ZAVwACeXhBm/ZnzkHmPxiEQFcBABFwIhtZaDcDAGgSTRHOUYtREM5B5j8YhGhKnHBFaAHoA7Uk4kBXAQBB2/6odDcFAHBoFM4VziICQDcFAEBXAQBB2/6odDcFAHBoFM4TziICQFcCAEEtUQgwcGgQznHCSmk3BgDPDBBUcmFuc2FjdGlvblN0YXRlQZUBb2FpNwcAIgJAQS1RCDBANwYAQDcHAEBWAwwUwJjkrPCyCQ3Rbss9WN5CaocVhRtgDBRC5UOC6G3Nygng2ou2fi+sTUmHRGIMBWFzc2V0QZv2Z84SwGFAEsBA",            "checksum": 1593448136        },        "manifest": {            "name": "TestNetFee",            "groups": [],            "features": {},            "supportedstandards": [                "NEP-17"            ],            "abi": {                "methods": [                    {                        "name": "verify",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Boolean",                        "offset": 13,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "getPaymentStatus",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Boolean",                        "offset": 16,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "enablePayment",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 72,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "disablePayment",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 137,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "onNEP17Payment",                        "parameters": [                            {                                "name": "from",                                "type": "Hash160"                            },                            {                                "name": "amount",                                "type": "Integer"                            },                            {                                "name": "data",                                "type": "Any"                            }                        ],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 190,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "unlock",                        "parameters": [                            {                                "name": "toAssetHash",                                "type": "Hash160"                            },                            {                                "name": "toAddress",                                "type": "Hash160"                            },                            {                                "name": "amount",                                "type": "Integer"                            }                        ],                        "returntype": "Boolean",                        "offset": 244,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "isPaused",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Boolean",                        "offset": 351,                        "safe": false     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          }                        ],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 476,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "destroy",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 518,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "doRequest",                        "parameters": [                            {                                "name": "filter",                                "type": "String"                            },                            {                                "name": "url",                                "type": "String"                            },                            {                                "name": "gasForResponse",                                "type": "Integer"                            }                        ],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 554,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "callback",                        "parameters": [                            {                                "name": "url",                                "type": "String"                            },                            {                                "name": "userdata",                                "type": "String"                            },                            {                                "name": "code",                                "type": "Integer"                            },                            {                                "name": "result",                                "type": "String"                            }                        ],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 592,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "put",                        "parameters": [                            {                                "name": "key",                                "type": "String"                            },                            {                                "name": "value",                                "type": "String"                            }                        ],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 789,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "putMulti",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 805,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "testPermission",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Any",                        "offset": 845,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "testSupportedStandards",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Any",                        "offset": 869,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "getState",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Any",                        "offset": 889,                        "safe": false                    },                    {                        "name": "_initialize",                        "parameters": [],                        "returntype": "Void",                        "offset": 953,                        "safe": false                    }                ],                "events": [                    {                        "name": "UnlockEvent",                        "parameters": [                            {                                "name": "arg1",                                "type": "Hash160"                            },                            {                                "name": "arg2",                                "type": "Hash160"                            },                            {                                "name": "arg3",                                "type": "Integer"                            }                        ]                    },                    {                        "name": "IsPausedEvent",                        "parameters": [                            {                                "name": "obj",                                "type": "Any"                            }                        ]                    },                    {                        "name": "TransactionState",                        "parameters": [                            {                                "name": "obj",                                "type": "Any"                            }                        ]                    }                ]            },            "permissions": [                {                    "contract": "0x42e54382e86dcdca09e0da8bb67e2fac4d498744",                    "methods": [                        "test"                    ]                },                {                    "contract": "0xacce6fd80d44e1796aa0c2c625e9e4e0ce39efc0",                    "methods": [                        "itoa",                        "jsonDeserialize"                    ]                },                {                    "contract": "0xda65b600f7124ce6c79950c1772a36403104f2be",                    "methods": [                        "getTransaction",                        "getTransactionState"                    ]                },                {                    "contract": "0xfe924b7cfe89ddd271abaf7210a80a7e11178758",                    "methods": [                        "request"                    ]                },                {                    "contract": "0xfffdc93764dbaddd97c48f252a53ea4643faa3fd",                    "methods": [                        "destroy",                        "getContract",                        "update"                    ]                }            ],            "trusts": [],            "extra": {                "Author": "Neo",                "Email": "",                "Description": "This is a contract example"            }        }    }}