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dumpprivkey Method

Exports the private key of the specified address.


Before you can invoke this method you must:

  1. Install the plugin RpcServer

  2. Call the RPC method openwallet to open the wallet first.

Parameter Description#

address: To export the addresses of the private key. The address is required as a standard address.


Request body:

{  "jsonrpc": "2.0",  "method": "dumpprivkey",  "params": ["NepVckSSgHJf1szQ6LEibd5NU7Ap67yJrJ"],  "id": 1}

Response body:

{    "jsonrpc": "2.0",    "id": 1,    "result": "L5LEfSAAbVAk5vxmkBpWQqJ2e1hyh3nEqgWaosB35XpBAkZdizj4"}

Response Description:

Returns the private key of the standard address.